Yayasan PETRONAS Launches Uplifting Lives Festive: Kaamatan 2024 in Ranau

RANAU, 1 May 2024 – Yayasan PETRONAS ushered in the month-long Harvest Festival by kicking off its Uplifting Lives Festive (ULF): Kaamatan 2024 social impact festive programme here on 1 May. The initiative will see a total of 500 food baskets being distributed to the underprivileged communities in Sabah throughout May.

Yayasan PETRONAS, in collaboration with the Social Welfare Department (JPKA), will be distributing 300 food baskets in Ranau, while the remaining 200 will be distributed in Kota Marudu, Penampang, and Kota Kinabalu.

Yayasan PETRONAS Chief Executive Officer, Shariah Nelly Francis presented the contribution to recipients in Ranau during the launching of the State-level Kaamatan Festival at Ranau Community Hall on Wednesday, witnessed by Sabah Deputy Chief Minister I Datuk Seri Panglima Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan, who represented Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Panglima Hajiji Noor.

Shariah said, “Kaamatan is not just a celebration of harvest; it’s a timeless reminder of our interconnectedness and the enduring spirit of community that sustains us all. It is our hope that this small gesture would bring a smile to the faces of those in need during this festive season.”

Masnah Kuridi, a 60-year-old single mother from Kampung Kibbas, Ranau looks forward to enjoying the food basket with her family. She shared “I am very thankful for this contribution. With this, our Kaamatan celebration this year would be livelier compared to previous years.”

Milter Gangkuh, a 52-year-old mountain guide from Persatuan Malim Gunung Kinabalu, said “On behalf of our association and the mountain guides of Mount Kinabalu, I would like to thank PETRONAS for their endless support towards us all this while.”

The Uplifting Lives programme is an integral part of Yayasan PETRONAS’ community well-being and development strategy. This initiative is in harmony with the PETRONAS Sustainability Agenda and aligns with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

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