Yayasan PETRONAS Distributes Personal Hygiene Kits and School Supplies to 21,000 Primary School Students

Annual Back to School programme goes beyond basics

KUALA LUMPUR, 8 March 2021 – Yayasan PETRONAS will be providing 21,000 primary school  students from low-income households with personal hygiene kits and school supplies in  preparation for the 2021 academic year through its Back to School 2021 (BTS 2021) Programme. 

The personal hygiene kits and school supplies are being distributed to schools across Johor,  Kelantan, Kuala Lumpur, Labuan, Melaka, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang, Penang, Perak, Perlis,  Sabah, Sarawak, Selangor, Terengganu, from 8 to 24 March 2021. 

Through the programme, a total of 21,000 students will each receive two 3-layer reusable face  masks, a small towel, a box of paper soap, a school bag, a tumbler, a student activity notebook,  a pencil case and stationery items, as well as two sets of school uniforms and a pair of socks and  shoes. The student activity notebook includes several simple science experiments on personal  hygiene, health infographics and stickers, designed to spark interest amongst the students and  help them understand science and its application in real life. 

In addition to helping students resume school with ease, Yayasan PETRONAS, in collaboration  with the Ministry of Education, is also providing teachers at beneficiary schools with lesson plans  to cultivate an interest in the science of personal hygiene amongst primary students this year.  

Yayasan PETRONAS Chief Executive Officer Shariah Nelly Francis said: “Our aim for Back To  School has been consistent since PETRONAS started with the programme 18 years ago. We  want to reduce one of the barriers that families from low-income households often experience,  which is the cost of school supplies, a factor linked to dropout rates. However, we are taking  additional steps this year by providing personal hygiene kits so that students can stay safe and  acclimatise to the ‘new normal’ as they resume school.

“In addition to that, we also want to ensure we imbue two important factors – the pivotal role of  Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education in preparing our children  for the future, and the enduring role teachers play in inspiring their students. This is why we are  going beyond the basics this year,” Nelly added. 

Labuan-based teacher Angela Joseph, who designed the science lesson plans for this said: “I’m  so glad that Yayasan PETRONAS gave me this opportunity to share information on the science  behind COVID-19 in a fun way with underprivileged students who otherwise may not have access  to information.” Angela, who is part of the first cohort of teachers in Yayasan PETRONAS’  Program Duta Guru, also prepared supplementary lesson plans and provided instruction sheets  for teachers to record and share them online. 

Yayasan PETRONAS also released a three-episode video on the science of personal hygiene  featuring “STEM Man”. It reminds parents, children and their community of the importance and  responsibility of practising safe habits so that schools will not be affected by an outbreak. The  videos are available on Yayasan PETRONAS’ online and social media channels. 

BTS 2021 will run until the end of the month nationwide with the support of PETRONAS staff who also took time to post notes of encouragement to students to motivate them in their studies via  Yayasan PETRONAS’ social media channels. 

The Back to School programme is part of Yayasan PETRONAS’ education focus area.

Nelly Francis Shariah, Chief Executive Officer, Yayasan PETRONAS (third from right) and Zainal Abas, Director, Jabatan Pendidikan Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur (third from left) at the handover ceremony of the Back to School personal hygiene kits and school supplies. Also present were Zainudin Mohamad, Deputy Director of Education, Student Development Sector (second from left), Rosniza Hussin, Chief Assistant Director of Student Affairs ( far left), PETRONAS representatives — Hardy Azrai Anuar, Head of Public and Corporate Relations Advisory (second from right) and Zukifli Othman, Head of Central and Northern Region.

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