Project Overview
Yayasan PETRONAS (YP) is continuing our tree planting programme with One Million Trees (OMT) across Malaysia to support eco-system restoration and community development efforts. We are looking for experienced, capable and credible Implementing Partner(s) to plan, conduct, manage, monitor and maintain the programme for a duration of 5 years. Interested applicants are encouraged to fill in the application form. Successful applicants will be issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) where further details will be provided.
YP’s OMT Programme emphasises survival rates, eco-system benefit, and benefits to local communities through the tree planting, maintenance and educational activities as part of the overall programme. We are keen to explore tree planting in various sites, from degraded forest reserves to open spaces in schools and urban areas, as long as it can be preserved from any other development, and bring benefit to people and nature.
Since 2020, YP has conducted tree planting activities in support of PETRONAS Walk4Trees programme. The programme surpassed its target of 50,000 trees to 74,652 trees that were planted in 14 sites across the country, bringing socio-economic benefit back to 255 members of local communities who participated in ensuring more than 70% survival rate of the planted trees through nursery set up, tree planting and maintenance, as well as other skills building and knowledge exchange activities within the programme.
We would like to invite more partners to be part of our tree planting effort so that we may plant more trees in more locations that would benefit more people and the environment, together.
Who is Eligible to Apply?
Applying organisations would have to ensure that they meet the following eligibility criteria:
- Applicant organisation is registered with Registration Certificate e.g. from The Registry of Societies Malaysia, Companies Commission of Malaysia and/or MAGIC Registration Certificate for Social Enterprises (if applicable)
- Applicant must be located and operate in Malaysia and must have experience and proven capability in conducting similar project.
- Clearance of the Know Your Counterparty (KYC) form.
- Able to comply to the Terms & Conditions (T&Cs) as attached.
- Have the capacity to conduct scope of works.
Important Dates to Remember
Submission deadline for periodical evaluation in:
- May 2024: 21 May 2024
- Quarter 2, 2024: 21 June 2024
- Quarter 3, 2024: 21 August 2024
Briefing session: upon request
Project Application Process Flow

How To Apply
- Stage 1: Proposal Submission
- Applicants need to fill in the application form document and Know Your Counterparty (KYC) form for Stage 1 assessment. Kindly download the forms and provide the related supporting documents.
- Applicants also need to read and agree to Yayasan PETRONAS’ Terms and Conditions (T&C) for Request for Proposal (RFP).
- Kindly submit the complete documents to Mohd Arrabe’ Ahmad Baei (Yayasan PETRONAS) at with email title of [RFP – Your Company Name]
- Our team will contact the eligible applicants for the Stage 2 assessment.
- Stage 2: Proposal Evaluation
- Successful applicants in Stage 1 will be contacted via email. Upon receiving an eligibility confirmation from our team, you will receive Request for Proposal.
- The completed proposal in accordance with the Template should be submitted to the YP team before the deadline as stipulated in the email.
- YP team will evaluate the proposal in Stage 2 and if necessary, YP team will schedule a call with the applicants.
- You may include other information/ company profile that may assist Yayasan PETRONAS in gaining a better understanding of your proposal.
- Stage 3: Award
- Successful applicants in Stage 2 will be notified via email to proceed for contract negotiation.
- Implementation
- Appointed implementation partner will implement the scope as per contract agreed by both parties and in close coordination with YP.
- For every milestone, YP will monitor and evaluate the performance of the partners and quality of deliverables.
Should you have further questions, please email with your queries. Our team will assist to answer your questions and provide the necessary guidance with your application.
Our team is prioritising replies to those who are eligible. If you have submitted your application and have not received any reply 10 working days post submission deadline, please consider your application as unsuccessful. We thank you for your time and patience.