PETRONAS Volunteers Spread Festive Joy Nationwide

KUALA LUMPUR, 4 July 2019 –Yayasan PETRONAS recently organised nationwide volunteer activities for more than 700 of PETRONAS employees to participate as part of its Sentuhan Kasih programme, in conjunction with Ramadan, Kaamatan, Gawai and Aidilfitri.

The volunteers reached out to over 2,800 families and individuals including senior citizens, the poor, orphans, disabled, residents of special needs homes and those in remote villages. 

The programme runs from 8 May until 5 July 2019, during which Yayasan PETRONAS also distributed RM815,000 in cash and kind. 

“The spark of joy grows when you bring together people from different backgrounds to join hands for a common cause,” said Yayasan PETRONAS Chief Executive Officer Lita Osman. 

“Volunteerism reminded us of the importance of the selfless act of spending time for the benefit of others. The act translates into employees who are more willing to pitch-in and work towards a common goal. I am very proud of our volunteers who have given their time and commitment on top of their on-going work responsibilities,” Lita added.

One of the volunteers, a Reservoir Engineer Abdul Hakim Mazeli, said: “I feel grateful to be able to spend time with the beneficiaries, and in my own small way, help ease their burden. It was such a humbling experience.”

The volunteers completed 24 outreach activities including gotong-royong, teaching and learning new skills with the beneficiaries, shopping and delivering household goods, giving motivational talks, organising preparation for Aidilfitri and other activities. 

Some volunteers even went to the interiors of Sarawak, and the effort was much appreciated by the beneficiaries, including Hamsiah Mantali who said: “I am thankful to Yayasan PETRONAS for reaching out to us, to provide us with basic needs to ease our burden. It may not mean much to others, but for us, a little means a lot.” 

In Melaka, a beneficiary from Sungai Udang, Azadin Abdul Aziz said: “My heart is filled with joy as I am given the honour and respect as a guest at this event.” 

The Sentuhan Kasih Yayasan PETRONAS programme is part of the Foundation’s Community Well-being and Development focus area, initiated to coincide with major celebrations in Malaysia. It provides an avenue for Yayasan PETRONAS to work with communities to provide for their basic needs and well-being.

Download Sentuhan Kasih Yayasan PETRONAS 2019 photos here. Video footage of Yayasan PETRONAS’ Joy video, featuring volunteers and beneficiaries available here. Soundbites and programme higlights from Yayasan PETRONAS’ visit to the children cancer ward at Kuala Lumpur Women and Children Hospital available here.

About Yayasan PETRONAS  

Yayasan PETRONAS is the Corporate Social Responsibility arm of PETRONAS. Its mission is to contribute to the well-being of society. Yayasan PETRONAS aims to deliver sustainable impact, improving the quality of life and socio-economic outcomes for communities across the nation through its focus areas in Education, Community Well-being and Development and the Environment.


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